Members help us financially and give us the necessary back-up to exert influence on political initiatives or legislative processes concerning animal protection. Only together can we make a difference in the long term!
It is not only for the back-up they provide that members are essential to us. While our (political) influence grows with every person supporting us, we cannot achieve anything without a sound financial basis. As a private association, we do not receive any subsidies and are financed exclusively by donations, legacies, bequests, and institutional contributions (from foundations). Become a member, too, and support our work for animals in need!
For only 30 Swiss francs per year, you will receive:
- an invitation to the annual, exclusive members' event
- our magazine twice a year
- the annual report and the annual accounts
Memberships last for one calendar year and can be ordered at any time via email, by telephone (044 261 97 14), or directly via the form. You can pay the membership fee conveniently by credit card, PostCard, direct debit, or using a payment slip.
Are you looking for a suitable gift?
Then why not gift a membership as a present? Not only will you be helping our animals, but you will also make someone happy. You can order a gift membership at any time via email, by phone (044 261 97 14), or directly via the form.
Mit einer Mitgliedschaft unterstützen Sie uns nicht nur finanziell, sondern ermöglichen uns, auch bei politischen Vorstössen oder Gesetzgebungsprozessen rund um den Tierschutz Einfluss zu nehmen.